User Manual
General information
Sirius Device Manager is the software used to manage hardware configurations develop and test.
With this tool the user can be:
generate configurations for each device and store them.
load stored configuration from PC to device
monitoring the operation of the devices
analize variable
calibrate device
develop IEC code to upload into device
System requirements
Operating systems: Windows 7 or above with 32/64 bit architecture.
USB port available
RAM: 512MB
Disk space:
600 Mb for the IEC version
USB to Serial cable (FDTI)
User interface
The user interface consists of three main Tabs:
Menu File
Menu for load and save data.
Load serie setup
Load a serie previously saved, in order to setup the system.
Save serie setup
Save the variables serie, to have setups saved.
Load graph
Load saved variable traces. With this is possible to analize data offline.
Save graph
Save the selected variables traces, in order to navigate data offline.
Export graph in to...
Export the selected variables traces in CSV format, to analize data with other programs.
Menu Options
Reboot device
Send the REBOOT command to the device.
Switch target
Command for a specific hardware platform, tells to the master target which slave must be connected.
Take screenshot
Create a picture of Device manager screen, to freeze a particular state.
Menu Help
Help online...
This site.
Help contextual...
Show the contextual help of the selected variable.
Shows a popup with software versions.