
Tab interface

The Oscilloscope tab contains the tools to manage Sirius-ES devices.

It consists of three parts:

  • Tab Settings

  • Tab Var Editor

  • Charts panel


The Settings tab contains controls to monitor, save and restore values from/to devices.

It can be splitted in three sub parts:

  • Variables monitor (oscilloscope)

  • Connect to hardware

  • Save/Restore values

Variables monitor

This part of tab is used to monitor variables into charts panel.

First column (color and checkbox) represents the track color. The checkbox tells to the system if the variable must be shown or not. in order to load a set of series and display only the selected.

Variable can be selected in "Serie" comboBoxes with specific parameters of visualization.

Y/div columns tell to the charts panel the number of point for each block.

Offset column set the offset for the oscilloscope.

The columns Cursor 1 and Cursor 2 show the numeric values under the two cursor of the oscilloscope.

If the variable has a unit of measure, it will shown next to Y/div colum.

Under series there are display settings for the charts panel.

  • Sampling time (from 1 to 0.05 ms) and it depends on the type of hardware connect

  • X (ms) division (from 10 to 5000)

  • Delta X (ms) - the time between cursors

  • Trigger can be set from the trigger section:

  • Level is the value that activate the trigger

  • Serie is the variable to watch

  • Trigger mode:

    • AUTO without trigger

    • SINGLE shows only the first trigger event

    • NORMAL shows every trigger events

  • Trigger edge:

    • RISING value became bigger than trigger vaue

    • FALLING value became smaller than trigger vaue

Connect to hardware

This section allows user to manage connection to devices. Connections can be of two types: serial or network.

The Connect button is used to open connecttion to device.

Once connected, the Connect button will turn into Disconnect.

The Start button starts the oscilloscope to show charts.

Once connected the Start button turns into Stop the charts.

The lines under buttons tells their state (Green or Red)

Save/Restore values

The buttons in this section allow users to manage offline data.

The Save Values button store to file the retain variables, to create a setup for the connected device.

The Restore Values button send to device the retain variables store in file.

Export Db save the variable structure of the Var Editor Tab. it can be reloaded in order to work offline or develop the IEC program with the code editor.

Once connected to hardware, a copy of Var Editor structure is saved to file.

With Import offline DB the user can load a set of variable with all the values of a particular hardware, in order to show the status or use the variable in the Code Editor.

Vars Editor

It contains all the variable loaded from device.

Variable are divided into groups (in bold) .

The variable table has the columns:

  • Name - the variable name

  • Value - the variable value

  • U.M. (unit of measure)

  • Type - the IEC variable type (IEC version)

  • IEC name - the name for the IEC_TASK (IEC version)

  • Index - the variable database index (IEC version)

The value, once connected to device can be modified and updated in order to the runtime or store a new value.

Values can be graphically display with the charts panel to see the trend over time.

Variable database can be online, update every ms via USB from device; or offline loaded from file.

If loaded from file or hardware is disconnected, the values columns is shown in red color and disabled.

Right click on variabel will show a contextual menu.

Contextual Help open a online help for the selected variable.

Copy IEC name make a copy to clipboard of IEC Name column value. It brings help for the Code Editor when users have to type the device variables.

Charts panel

This area is used for graphical representation in time. It is the same of a oscilloscope display.

The red and the blue vertical line are the oscilloscope cursor, moving them the values in the cursor 1 and 2 will change.

The blue rectangle is the chart area to zoom. It can be resized with mouse.

Right click into the area will show the zoom panel.

The zoom panel shows charts inside the blue area.

Clicking on Setup button a popup menu appears: it contains Trigger and appearance settings.

The trigger setting is used for the trigger x position on screen.

0% is the left side of chart panel. 100% is the right side.

Appearance settings are used to change the chart layout. Select or deselect the properties you want.